Badge time.png   The Paragon Wiki Archive documents the state of City of Heroes/Villains as it existed on December 1, 2012.


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Revision as of 09:02, 21 May 2008 by Sir Giles (Talk | contribs) (Added information related to Imperious)

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Incarnate is a special archetype not available to players. Incarnates are humans who have drunk from the Fountain of Zeus at the Well of the Furies, empowering them with the powers of the gods themselves. As such, they are substantially more powerful than most other superbeings.

Currently, at most five characters in the game have Incarnate powers:

  • Statesman (Marcus Cole) gained the Incarnate powers of Zeus.[1]
  • Lord Recluse (Stefan Richter) gained the Incarnate powers of Tartarus.[2]
  • According to the Lore of S'silur, an unknown pregnant woman is said to have gained the powers of the Gorgon Stheno, sister of Medusa, and her progeny are the Snakes.[3]
  • Trapdoor received great Teleportation powers from the Well, although no detail about his origin exists.[4]
  • Imperious is said to be an Incarnate, by Ashley McKnight when she send you to meet him in Cimerora. Incarnate is said to be an Origin that has not been completely absent for quite some time.


  1. Statesman#Background
  2. Lord Recluse#Biography
  3. Operative Grillo#Ancient History
  4. Operative Grillo#Take down Trapdoor