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Template:StoryArc The Scroll of Tielekku

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Revision as of 23:44, 21 August 2006 by StarGeek (Talk | contribs) (Mission name: added mission)

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Template:Souvenir Translation of the Scroll of Tielekku

Find out what's so interesting to the Banished Pantheon and the Warriors


Banished Pantheon cultists have been seen searching a warehouse in Independence Port. Whatever they're looking for must be very interesting, because there have been reports of Warriors on the scene as well. I need someone to go to the warehouse and ind out what's so interesting to the Banished Pantheon and the Warriors.

The Pantheon typically has no respect for local gangs, but I wonder what would make the Warriors risk going into the Family's territory? It must be important to them.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop all villains in warehouse

On one of the defeated Warriors, you found some written orders.

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Warrior orders
These written orders indicate that the Warriors were here to find one item and one item only: something called the Scroll of Tielekku.


So the Warriors were there searching for this Scroll of Tielekku? My guess is that the Banished Pantheon may have been searching for the same thing.

Talk to the executor of the estate about the Scroll of Tielekku


I did a bit of digging about the warehouse where you stopped the Banished Pantheon and the Warriors. Apparently it's used to hold items for estates that are under dispute by the inheritors. Among other things, it held the private library of Ross Coldwell, who used to adventure with the Midnight Squad under the name Darkvine. It might be a good idea to check with the executor of the estate and see what he knows about this Scroll of Tielekku.

Darkvine was one of the many Midnight Squad members killed in the Rikti War. Like all of them, he was well versed in the mystic arts. Perhaps the Banished Pantheon and the Warriors have good reason for being interested in his belongings.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find the estate manager
  • 7 office workers to rescue

You defeated the Banished Pantheon and rescued the estate manager.

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The estate manager's tale
When you rescued Coldwell's estate manager, he told you:

'They kept asking me for the Scroll of Tielekku, but I didn't have it! The Warriors already stole it! I wish I could tell you what they want with it, but no one ever mentioned it had any sort of mystic powers. To tell you the truth, I doubt even Coldwell knew.


The Warriors already made off with the Scroll of Tielekku, huh? At least the Banished Pantheon don't have it, though I don't really want to see it in the Warriors' hands either. We're going to have to recover that scroll.

Recover the scroll from the Warriors


Just because the Warriors got to the Scroll of Tielekku before you did doesn't mean it's all over. We'll just have to go after it. According to one of my contacts, the Warriors are near Talos Island waiting for reinforcements. If you're up to it, you could recover that scroll from the Warriors before it disappears forever. I'll call for an emergency force field to give you time to get there.

I still don't know what this is about, but that Scroll of Tielekku is clearly important to both the Warriors and the Banished Pantheon. Be careful.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Recover the Scroll of Tielekku
    • Find the Scroll of Tielekku

You have recovered the Scroll of Tielekku.

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Scroll of Tielekku
This ancient papyrus scroll is simply breathtaking. The central picture, which shows a powerful woman seated on a throne of gold, seems hardly to have faded at all. Surrounding this figure are some faded pictograms. It will take an expert in lost languages to decipher these markings.


You got the Scroll of Tielekku! Good work. The scroll itself is still a mystery though. I still have no idea why everyone wants the thing. I talked to the executor of Coldwell's will, as well as both of his heirs. None of them remember Coldwell even mentioning the Scroll of Tielekku. Maybe the Pantheon and the Warriors know something he didn't?

Deliver the Scroll of Tielekku to Dr. Cheng


I found someone who may be able to tell us why the Pantheon and the Warriors are so interested in this scroll. You may already know of Dr. Cheng; he's an old man who's very learned about all kinds of mystical matters. He says that he may be able to translate the scroll. Will you deliver the Scroll of Tielekku to Dr. Cheng?

If Dr. Cheng can translate that scroll, he could finally tell us why the Banished Pantheon and the Warriors are so interested in it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take the scroll to Dr. Cheng

Briefing Dr. Cheng

It is good to see you. Is this the Scroll of Tielekku? Ah, yes. I would like to provide you the answers you seek, but I will first need some reference materials. Fortunately, I know exactly where to find them. Unfortunately, the information I need is held by the Circle of Thorns in one of their underground libraries. If we are to uncover the secrets of this scroll, you will have to recover several tomes from the Circle of Thorns.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Recover tomes from Circle
  • 16 books to find

You have recovered all of the books Dr. Cheng wanted.

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The Translation Stone
The face of this quartz slab bears a worn inscription. It is a translation between the Sumerian language and an unknown tongue thought to be Enochian, the celestial language of divine beings.
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Spells Of The First Order
This tattered vellum folio from 1602 is rumored to be an original translation of the first spells ever taught to mankind by the gods.
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Lost Tongues of the Tower Makers
Compiled by Greek scholars, this book is a guide to the ancient languages of a lost civilization that built a tower to the stars.
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Of the First Ones
These ancient myths and legends tell of the first beings in the world, the gods who existed before mankind.
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The Red Dust Tome
These swirling crimson sands are enchanted to form themselves into a book at their owner's will. The Red Dust Tome contains such bizarre knowledge that it can unhinge the thoughts of anyone without extraordinary willpower.
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The Obsidian Libram
Long whispered of in magical circles, the Obsidian Libram is connected with many wild rumors. Some say it is the written soul of a demon. Others insist it is a testament engraved by intelligent saurians during the age of reptiles. Some even whisper that it is a gateway to another plane of being. No one knows the truth, for this book of black stone plates seems to present different faces to different readers.

Notable NPCs

  • Tomefinder Arhazen (Soul Mage)

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take the books to Dr. Cheng

Debriefing Dr. Cheng

Ah, I knew you would come through. Let me take those from you. I have already made a little headway, and have found some very interesting things. This scroll is a chronicle of the life of the goddess Tielekku, who was said to be the first to discover magic. I will be able to tell you more shortly. In the meantime, I believe StoryArc The Scroll of Tielekku is looking for you. It seems ther ahs been another development.


Thanks for getting those reference materials to Dr. Cheng. As soon as he translates the Scroll of Tielekku, we'll know a lot more about the Banished Pantheon's intentions. You say even the Circle mystics were eager to stop the Pantheon's plot? Interesting. And not a little scary.

Mission name


Mission Objective(s)

(Entrance text)

(Objective complete)

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Notable NPCs

Temporary Power:

(Info on how/when you get temp power plus link)

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