Badge time.png   The Paragon Wiki Archive documents the state of City of Heroes/Villains as it existed on December 1, 2012.

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They call me The Squish. You'd better watch out.
They call me The Squish. You'd better watch out.

Revision as of 19:03, 23 July 2008


Why do I always have to go learn about Hero 1 every time I want a cape? I already know about Hero 1. I might even know more about Hero 1 than you do. I'm just like that. It's my specialty. If there's an observation to be made, then by golly, I'm gonna observe it! ... I saw that!

My activities in the game often lead to curious conjectures and hours of planning things out in a text editor using numbers that came from a top-secret, very magical source. I know the game inside and out and I've found that it and my special little mode of thinking go together very well. There's a rather sizeable list of things I'd have done differently, but you know we all love Cryptic Studios. Give 'em a break.

Personal skills are a very large pool to draw from, but in this case my strong point would be computers. I've been programming for at least two hundred and fifty years and I have no intentions of slowing down now. I'm known in other communities for my work with hacking video games, and City of Heroes is no different. I'm also known for my personality, but giving you adjectives to describe that aspect of myself would be subjective at best. Make your own inferences, you lazy bum!.. I'm a big fan of lame puns, subtle humor and jokes that you have to think about really hard without even being funny in the first place, so beware. I have a bit of a warped sense of humor that no one's ever seen and gotten out alive.

Since City of Heroes is an intriguing title, I've been sticking to it like half-melted plastic wrap. I encountered the Paragon Wiki by means unknown. Seriously, like... I have no recollection how I got here... But I've made myself a home and began kicking things into high gear. That's right: I've been layin' down the hammer!

The Spruce Hammer, to be exact! In addition to looking just short of appetizing, this jewel is rewarded to those who care most about making the wiki consistent and complete, to the extent that they will edit and add countless articles just to achieve their goals. This one's for you: \o/ /o\ \o/ /o\

Current Experiment

Today's experiment is an old idea, but I've given it a face-lift. See, people have been thinking for years (it is in fact plural now) that a Mastermind with no Henchmen will provide a light-hearted challenge to those who are familiar with the game. Boy was that ever true. But I took it a step further by embracing my deviant nature.

See, I hate tradition. I hate cliché. I've been avoiding Fitness Stamina.png Stamina since day 1 because--according to everyone else--you simply need to take it if you play the game. Well, preconcieved axioms, I spit at thee! I won't take Stamina. I won't take SuperSpeed AcceleratedCombat.png Hasten. I won't take Leadership, Flight CombatFlight.png Hover or whatever else I happen to think is too common. I will be entirely original at long last!

That's where this person comes in. Bob the Biohazard takes the best of the Mastermind and faceplants to glory! I wanted to play with the pistols, but I don't care for the Thugs. I wanted to play with the Poison. I wanted to avoid flavor-of-the-game. And I like what I've come up with! It's only a shame I'm dissin' Stamina, 'cause Endurance is one thing this character needs more of. Oh well. I'll manage.

They call me The Squish. You'd better watch out. InherentPeacebringer InterSpacialLink.png